BV Sludge digestion plant

Frankfurt Sindlingen

© OBERMEYER Holding GmbH

In terms of process engineering, the sludge digestion plant at the Sindlingen WWTP is located downstream of the existing pipe sludge aeration system. A new pumping station is integrated into the existing sludge aeration building. It conveys the pipe sludge via a new and closed pressurised pipeline system to the new sludge digestion plant at the ‘Alte Kläranlage’ site.

The pressurised pipeline system consists of two pressurised pipelines, which are routed in the existing pipe channel along the SEVA and the new west media channel to the new sludge digestion building. The four digesters have a round shape with a diameter of 22.20 meters and a total height of 35.6 meters. The outer walls are 40 cm thick, while the floor slab is 1 m thick and the sloping ceiling is also 40 cm thick. The tank walls were erected in 12 concreting sections using climbing formwork and reach a total wall height of 27.08 meters.

The pressure pipeline system consists of two pressure pipelines that are laid in the existing pipe channel along the SEVA and the new western media channel to the new digester building. The four digestion towers have a round shape with a diameter of 22.20 meters and a total height of 35.6 meters. The outer walls are 40 cm thick, the floor slab is 1 m thick and the sloping ceiling is also 40 cm thick. The tank walls were erected in 12 concreting sections with climbing formwork and reach a total wall height of 27.08 meters.


Construction segment
Public facility

earthworks, dewatering, special civil engineering, shell construction work

August 2026

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